Dozen Hearts Springerle Rolling Pin House On The Hill
House On The Hill cookie molds and rolling pins are made of a resin and wood composite. Each is individually hand cast and carefully hand finished. Most of the designs are replicas of antique carvings that are now in museums and private collections. Since the original carvings have imperfections such as surface cracks and worm holes, our replicas mimic these characteristics. This adds a sense of authenticity and charm and makes them beautiful enough for display.
Fully functional and food safe
Use a soft bristled brush to clean your House on the Hill rolling pin, and never soak
Hand crafted and hand finished in the USA
Six images, each encased in a heart border, are repeated to make a dozen charming, well-printed hearts. A copy of an old fancy rolling pin handle completes the sentimental appeal.
Images depicted twice: Peacock, Lily of the Valley, Chimney Sweep, Two-headed Duck, Rose and Forget-Me Not in Pot, and Woman Feeding Rabbits.
Each cookie is 2.0 x 1.25 inches.
14.5" long, 6" wide barrel, 2.6" diameter, 2 x 1.25" cookies